About us –
Welcome to India´s most updated site for finding Beauty Parlours, Beauty Salons, Barbershops, SPA, massage, tanning- and nail studios. Parloursindia.in guides you to best beauty parlours in India! Here you find…
- Locations of best beauty parlours, barbershops and salons around the nation.
- Updated Venue Descriptions, of the beauty parlours.
- Regular user’s reviews and ratings.
- Regularly updated photos from beauty parlours via users and business owners.
- Basic information like address, phone number, opening hours etc.
The site is optimized for use both on desktop and on mobile.
If you help us out, Parloursindia.in gets better! You can:
- Review and comment on beauty parlours as per your true experineces.
- Upload images, geographically located at the right beauty parlours, salons and barbershop etc.
- Change basic information for beauty salons, for example, the address or opening hours. Please help us to keep contact details up-to-date, by clicking on “Change info” on the page in question!
Help us keep the information on Parloursindia.in up-to-date. You can change…
- Add a listing: You can add your business listing and get an operatable dashboard to check all activities at your business page.
- Claim your listing: If you are the owner of any business already listed on our website by someone else. You can claim your business and get an operating dashboard.
- The venue description: Please go your page on the site and update the venue description and the basic information about the beauty parlour.
- The ranking: To give your venue a better ranking on the site, please ask your visitors to rate your service at your page on ParlourIndia.in. You can also encourage your visitors to write a review and like other’s reviews if they agree at your page. More review results in a better ranking for your venue!
- Photos: To get more and better photos on the site, encourage your visitors to take photos on your business page.
- Booking: You can get online booking and appointment facility through the dashboard to do business smoothly.
- Discounts/offers and announcement – The Dashboard will allow you to create offers and sessional discount coupons for your customers to grow your business with better quality.
- Prime Services: You can get complete digitalise system for your business to join prime service.
Is a beauty parlour or salon missing? This is how you add it:
- Click on add listing on the right top of the parloursindia.in website and just following the cell as available data with you and create FREE LISTING any numbers of listing in your area.
- Check that venue is correctly categorized, as a beauty parlour, barbershop, salon, spa & massage centre.
- You can add a location with google map association.
- You can add all social media links along with the business website as well.
It is TOTALLY FREE to list these locations on Parloursindia.in.
- If you have any suggestion to improve the quality of service on this website and your business. please feel free to share your idea. Our dedicated team will revert with the solution.
- If you require any support from this end you can contact us